Alzheimer and Dementia Patients Are Highly Sensitive To Their Environment

A soothing, calming atmosphere is helpful for everybody. For a person with dementia, it can help minimize their confusion and help them to concentrate and rest. There are a number of factors you should consider when creating the perfect environment for a person living with Alzheimer’s or Dementia. Noise or Silence – Sound, including background Read More

Visual Stimulation and Reminisce Therapy For Alzheimer’s Should Be A Part Of Care Plan

Communication with a person with Alzheimer’s requires patience, understanding, and good listening skills. Typically with Alzheimer’s or Dementia, people lose short term memory first but are still able to recall older memories. It is best to also incorporate visual cues. A colorful stimulation can have the added benefit of stimulating a memory. For example a Read More

Effective Brain-Stimulating Activities for Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease that affects memory and mental abilities ranging from minor impairment and forgetfulness to widespread loss, having touched over 166 million Americans. To provide the best Alzheimer’s care, the brain should get enough stimulation, but it can be stressful when you don’t know what activities do that best. Here are some Read More

Helpful Alternative for Battling Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease has become increasingly common and still remains one of the leading causes of death in seniors today. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, 1 in 3 seniors are dying because of Alzheimer’s or dementia. While a cure has yet to be found, effective alternatives exist to manage the disease. Alzheimer’s or dementia happens over Read More