Loneliness is one of the biggest challenges when you lose a spouse -When you grieve, you can feel both physical and emotional pain. Therefore proper emotional and physical care for the surviving spouse is an essential component of senior care. While most seniors gradually adapt to life without their spouse, there are many challenges they Read More
Category: Social Isolation Care
Fighting Loneliness in the Elderly Feeling Isolated
A 2018 survey conducted by Cigna insurance concluded that out of 20,000 adults, almost half report feeling lonely sometimes or always; feeling left out; not having daily meaningful in-person social interactions or extended conversations; or feeling isolated. A similar piece of research conducted in 2018 by AARP Foundation, an organization dedicated to empowering American seniors, Read More
Human to Human Connection – We All Need It
From a warm handshake to sympathetic hug, we crave real human contact, which is necessary for human beings to thrive and has emotional and physical health benefits. Physiologically, not having a social support system is actually a source of chronic stress for our bodies, which raises the risk of cardiovascular disease and other challenges to Read More
Pets can help make you happy and improve your health
An apple a day keeps the doctor away – but did you know that pets can, too? That’s right; your furry friends at home do much more than just sleep, look cute, and beg for more food. In fact, there are scientifically proven health benefits that occur when you bring home your newly-adopted puppy or Read More